RROMISE 2 - From 0 to Barnahus - Introducing the Webinar Series

Bragi Guðbrandsson sér um fyrsta námskeiðið í röð fjarnámskeiða fyrir áhugasöm lönd sem vilja innleiða íslenska Barnahúsamódelið.Námskeiðið heitir ,,20 years of Barnahus"

3 maí 2018

Hér er að finna auglýsingu frá PROMISE2

Many countries in Europe are now moving quickly towards establishing, developing and expanding their Barnahus or similar services. As this momentum builds, the field of knowledge and experience is growing.

The PROMISE Webinar Series extends an open invitation to join the discussions and exchanges within the European Barnahus Movement.

During PROMISE 1, select professionals from around Europe were invited to participate at the PROMISE project exchange meetings. These meetings featured lectures, trainings and discussions on the key principles, standards, and challenges to consider when opening and operating a multi-disciplinary and interagency collaboration for child victims and witnesses of violence.

In this Webinar Series, we will revisit and expand on topics covered in PROMISE 1 for a public audience. The Webinar Series will also dynamically respond to questions as they arise, offer scheduled chat rooms for select topics, and even share best practices and lessons learned from the activities of the PROMISE 2 Project.

The language of the webinars will be in English. A smart way to engage in national level advocacy and to include non-English speaking colleagues is to watch the webinars together or even plan a short meeting around the webinar.

20 years of Barnahus - Featuring Bragi Gudbrandsson

17 May 2018 15:00 CEST
Nearly every professional exchange during PROMISE 1 featured a keynote presentation from the man who needs no introduction. Bragi Guðbrandsson, head of the Icelandic Government Agency for Child Protection, is the initiator and purveyor of the Barnahus model. If you're not sure what a Barnahus is, why your country needs one, or if the model will work in your country, then look no further. In this webinar, Mr. Guðbrandsson will reflect on the why, the how, and the “what's next?” of the establishment of the Icelandic Barnahus 20 years ago and its expansion throughout Europe and beyond – a process in which he himself has played an instrumental role. If you are already sold on the Barnahus Model, we have a suggestion for you: invite colleagues to your office to watch the webinar with you. Come up with questions to ask the speaker jointly, and plan to have time to talk together about the webinar afterwards.

Click here to register. 

Adapting the Barnahus concept to local realities

24 May 2018 16:00 CEST
This webinar will discuss a Barnahus and a similar model, and will explore the key differences among the various setups in Europe so far. Keynote speakers: Ms Anna M Petersson from Barnahus Linköping, Sweden, and Ms Gordana Flander from the Zagreb Child Protection Centre, Croatia.

Working together in the best interests of the child: discussions on the formal agreements and the daily work of multidisciplinary interagency cooperation 

7 June 2018 15:00 CEST     
Join us to take a deeper look at the Barnahus Quality Standards 2 & 5: Multidisciplinary and interagency collaboration, and Interagency case management. A panel of experts will interactively discuss key questions among themselves. This is a type of discussion only the PROMISE experts and partners have had direct access to - until now. The discussion will be enriched with questions and comments from the webinar participants. NB: The software for this webinar has a limited number of participants, so register early and plan to gather colleagues in one office to participate.

Law as one enabling factor

14 June 2018 15:00 CEST
This webinar will look at the range of legal realities enabling the setup and success of the Barnahus in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. From full legislation to no legislation, having the perfect law in place is incredibly useful, yet not an absolute condition for establishing a well-functioning cooperation.
Fall dates to be announced …

NB: Due to busy and changing schedules, it may happen that we have to reschedule webinars. We value your time and support, so we aim of course to do this as infrequently as possible. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

Until next time,
The PROMISE team

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