Barnaverndarþing 2016 Öryggi barna - ný hugsun - ný nálgun

7. október á Grand Hótel Reykjavík

23 sep. 2016

08:00 – 08:30 Móttaka og skráning

08:30 – 08:40 Forseti Íslands Guðni Th. Jóhannesson setur þingið

08:40 – 09:10 Upphafsorð Bragi Guðbrandsson forstjóri Barnaverndarstofu

09:10 – 10:10 Professor Nicky Stanley Risk assessment and management for families living with domestic violence – state of the art Nicky Stanley will examine risk assessment and management in relation to children and families experiencing domestic violence. She will outline the arguments for risk assessment and highlight the move to differential response systems.  She will consider some of the key challenges for risk assessment including failures to engage with fathers and a focus on incidents. Three key approaches to risk assessment and management will be discussed: the Forensic/Actuarial Approach, the Dialogic Approach and Interagency Approaches. Key models currently in use in the UK and internationally will be critiqued. The presentation will draw on a wide range of research studies conducted by Professor Stanley and her colleagues.

10:10 – 10:40 Kaffihlé

10:40 – 12:00 Professor Lorraine Radford Children living with domestic violence in the UK - Making early help work? Drawing from two recent research studies on multi agency work in the UK, Lorraine Radford will look at how we can provide effective and coordinated earlier help for children and young people living with domestic violence (where a parent is abused by the other parent or by a current or former partner). The presentation will cover: Why is early help important for children living with domestic violence? How does early help work in practice and in different contexts? How can we show it works and supports better outcomes for children? Working with a ‘differential response' model based on the UK notion of navigating a ‘continuum of care' for children and their families, two different approaches to early help for children living with domestic violence that emerged in the research will be discussed – a gendered risk/safety approach and an ungendered family stress approach.

12:00 – 13:00 Matarhlé

13:00 - 13:20 Guðrún Sellelja Baldursdóttir, embætti ríkislögreglustjóra - "innleiðing lögreglu á áhættumati fyrir ofbeldi í nánum samböndum"

13:20 – 14:30 Panelumræða og fyrirspurnir
Fulltrúar Reykjavíkur, Akureyrar, Reykjanesbæjar, Lögreglu, Barnahúss og Barnaverndarstofu fjalla um ólíka nálgun  víð íhlutun vegna heimilisofbeldis 

14:30 – 15:00 Kaffihlé

15:00 – 15:30 Sigþrúður Guðmundsdóttir fræðslu- og framkvæmdastýra Kvennaathvarfsins – Kynning á stuttmyndinni "Tölum um ofbeldi"

15:30 – 16:30 Matthew McVarish leikari leikskáld og aðgerðarsinni – The Quality of Silence
As well talking about his 16,000 km walk across Europe, he will be speaking about his paper called 'The quality of silence' that he was commissioned to write by the Scottish Government. Although his study is regarding his discoveries gained during his 2 year walk around 32 different nations to tackle child sexual abuse, the information will be useful to people who are seeking to tackle domestic violence. 

18:00 – 19:45 Sýning á mynd Matthew McVarish „To Kill a Kelpie“ í Bíó Paradís (hér er hægt að leigja myndina á Vimeo)

To Kill a Kelpie - Að drepa nykur.
The Kelpie is a mythological water beast that waits by the loch in the form of a charming man but when children get too close, he drags them to their watery death. Twins, Dubhghall and Fionnghall, were silenced by their uncle's threats. If they ever told anyone what he did, they would be fed to the Kelpie. 
Following their uncle's death, the now adult twins reunite and for the first time in their lives they speak the unspoken. Facing the monster from their childhood, To Kill a Kelpie, is a stark Scottish drama steeped in Celtic mythology, where ancient legend meets todays dark reality. 
Directed by Award-winning Scottish filmmaker, Edward M Smith and adapted from the Off-Broadway play Matthew McVarish, this story was inspired by true events. Following the first production of the play version of  ‘To kill a Kelpie' in Scotland in 2008, Matthew McVarish's uncle was arrested and sentenced to prison.  The story had helped end the silence in his family. The play and film have since catalyzed similar crucial discussions for many survivors of abusive childhoods.

 Verð kr 16 000.- (innifalið matur og kaffi og miði á sýninguna í Bíó Paradís meðan húsrúm leyfir)

Upplýsingar um aðalfyrirlesara!

Professor Nicky Stanley, Co-Director, Connect Centre for International Research on Interpersonal Violence and Harm, University of Central Lancashire.
Nicky Stanley is Professor of Social Work and Co-Director of the Connect Centre for International Research on Interpersonal Violence and Harm at the University of Central Lancashire, UK.  The Connect Centre undertakes research to prevent and reduce all forms of sexual, gender based and interpersonal violence against adults, children and young people. Nicky has led numerous international and national research studies on children's and families' experience of domestic abuse and the service response. She publishes widely and has produced books on domestic violence and child protection, health and social care inquiries and mothers' mental health needs.  She has contributed to national guidelines and policy on domestic violence. Her most recent book is Nicky Stanley and Cathy Humphreys (eds) (2015) Domestic Violence and Protecting Children: New Thinking and Approaches, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Sjá nánar um Nicky á heimasíðu háskólans

Lorraine Radford, Professor of Social Policy and Social Work, School of Social Work, Care and Community, University of Central Lancashire.
Lorraine Radford PhD, is research Professor of Social Policy and Social Work and Co-Director of the Connect Centre for International Research on Interpersonal Violence at the University of Central Lancashire, UK. Lorraine has over 30 years of experience working within universities, government and the voluntary sector on preventing and responding to both gender based violence and violence against children. She has collaborated with a range of governmental and professional organisations in the UK and internationally to promote the use of research to develop training, policy and practice. Her recent research experience covers the prevalence and impact of violence against children; early help responses for children living with domestic violence; effective responses to child sexual abuse and exploitation.

Sjá nánar um Loarraine á heimasíðu háskólans

Matthew McVarish

Upplýsingar um leikstjóra myndarinnar To Kill a Kelpie

Edward M Smith Biography:  
Scottish Filmmaker Edward M Smith studied drama at The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. In 1992, after a childhood spent in a suburb of Glasgow, he moved to Canada to live in service of adults with disabilities in a L'arche community of Winnipeg. Returning to Scotland after two years, he paid his way through his degree by performing gigs in a Celtic folk/rock band, 'The Jolly Beggars', but after graduating, he walked away from the creative industries and worked in the voluntary sector in a number of jobs, mostly care related. One day his older brother came home from a new job with an applemac laptop. He showed Edward how he could plug in a video camera and an editing program called iMovie. In that moment he decided he would make films. And he did. For 7 years Edward ran North Lanarkshire's Young people's film school 'Lensheads'. That first year he was only a couple steps ahead of the students, but that was all he needed and each year he learned more and had a reason to learn, to teach, to make films. After 7 years he moved on, but occasionally goes back and take another class. His first feature' To Kill a Kelpie': he was asked by Matthew McVarish to create the film of his Off-Broadway stage play. This was shot for £8000 in the summer of 2012. Both Edward's kids make an appearance in the movie. He now makes films for anyone who needs them, from community based groups to commercial companies. Edward's film 'Boof!' that he created with a primary school class in Scotland won the UK 2016 INTO Film Award for 'Best Live Action Short'.  Ongoing since June 2015, Edward has been producing all film support for the National YES Registry project, networking the grassroots of the Scottish 'YES' independence movement.


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