Caretakers for unaccompanied children

14 jún. 2023

Would you be interested in offering a home to a unaccompanied minor – a child that arrives in Iceland without a parent or guardian?

We are seeking people that are willing to take children into care for a short or longer period. Such caretakers should ideally have an avid interest in the matters of unaccompanied minors that have fled from different countries. The caretakers need to have an understanding regarding various cultures, religion and traditions and/or speak the child‘s language.

It is also desirable that those caretakers have a comprehensive knowledge regarding Icelandic society and that they are willing and able to assist the child with adjustment. The National Agency for Children and Families will offer guidance and tuition for the caretakers. It is important for the caretakers to have flexible working hours.

Those who are interested can apply through the website of quality and supervisory agency of welfare

More information available at the national agency for children and families (Barna- og fjölskyldustofa) Tel. 530-2600

More information here


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