Towards a Child-Friendly System in Latvia:
Support to Barnahus Implementation in Latvia
European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 Programme "International Police Cooperation and Combating Crime” pre-defined project “Support for Barnahus implementation in Latvia” (hereinafter – Project) implementation within Ministry of Welfare of the Republic of Latvia.
The overall goal of the Project is to implement Barnahus model in Latvia to ensure multi-disciplinary and interinstitutional cooperation for children victims or witnesses of violence thus improving the system of protection of children's rights. The main results of the project are the provision of support compliant to international standards to children victims or witnesses of violence by ensuring cooperation in a child- friendly environment of law enforcement, social and medical professionals, Barnahus model implementation in Latvia.
In this Project very important place take – the National Agency for Children and Families (former Icelandic Government Agency for Child Protection) and Barnahus, because Iceland having the best and most long-lasting experiences to ensure application of the Barnahus model in practice. They also have a very long-standing experience in assisting other countries willing to implement this model.
Within this project, the National Agency for Children and Families will Provide consultations and advice to the project team and the involved experts as well as facilitate sharing of experience, including a study visit to Barnahus in Reykjavík.
In this Project on 2023 April was published very significant OECD Report: Towards a Child-Friendly System in Latvia. In cooperation with Economic Co-operation and Development Organization and the National Agency for Children and Families.
OECD report assesses the benefits of implementing the Barnahus model in Latvia as a child-friendly and interagency one-stop shop to support children exposed to violence or abuse as well as those who have witnessed violence. It examines a whole of state approach to promote a justice system that is more people and child-frindly, incorporating sound governance mechanisms.
OECD report "Towards a Child-Friendly System in Latvia: Support to Barnahus Implementation” (in english) you can read here: Towards-a-child-friendly-justice-system-in-latvia